Is Oolong Tea Effective Against Eczema?
Eczema, which is sometimes called “atopic eczema”, is a medical condition that manifests itself through itching, scaling and redness of the skin. Eczema can be painful and unsightly, aside from the vulnerability to infection due to bleeds and cracks. In today’s article we look into the question “is oolong tea effective against eczema?”.
There are several factors which can trigger the precipitation of eczema such as foods, detergents, exposure to chemicals like nickels and detergents. Even wool clothing can bring about an outbreak. Because this skin condition is considered an autoimmune disease, this affliction’s non-drug treatment involves symptom management through topical and oral treatments. Tea therapy, as an alternative, can be an effective treatment providing a solution where sometimes other approaches have failed.
Drinking Tea
Black, green and Oolong tea leaves are picked from Camillia sinensis. Different blends are produced because of the difference in the degree of oxidation and fermentation. Black teas are completely oxidized, Oolong teas are semi-oxidized and green tea leaves are unoxidized.
A report from the University of Maryland stated that green tea contains antioxidant components which are highly effective in improving a person’s health. Green tea, being unoxidized, is the variety that is the most abundant with antioxdiants which have been identified as anti-inflam catechins and polyphenols. The semi-fermented Oolong tea leaves share the same beneficial properties as green teas.
In 2001, Dr. Uehara Masami together with his colleagues in Shiga University of Japan conducted a study involving Oolong tea. The research was done through incorporating three (3) cups of tea (Oolong) in 118 participants’ daily diet regimen. These participants, first of all, were people with eczema who already had a regular treatment regimen for their skin disease. There were 89 patients who manifested skin improvement in as fast as 7 days and after 6 months, 54% of the entire sample population were able to maintain the good results.
Tea Wraps and Poultices
The topical application of Oolong tea could also provide relief. Boil Oolong tea leaves, just enough to come up with a thick and rich solution and allow it to steep for at least 5 minutes. If the solution has reached a tolerable temperature for the skin, strain the solids out and soak a clean cloth, preferably cotton. Apply the soaked cloth to the skin and repeat this several times.
Tea Baths
A lot of eczema patients report relief after a Japanese tea bath. Simply put hot water into several Oolong tea bags and allow it to soak. Getting a tea bath, apparently, relieves itching and calms skin muscles. With Oolong tea, eczema can sometimes be better managed as it provides an alternative or supplement to other treatments.
Japan’s Shiga University has reported that the tea therapy could only be effective if complemented with a multi-pronged treatment regimen. The program needs to be comprehensive to be able to successfully manage the symptoms of the disease. The study suggested that in addition eat nuts, seeds, raw vegetables, fruits, organic foods and fresh products can help; in addition to the taking in of either flaxseed oil or fish oil supplement. And finally ff an ultraviolet light therapy is required, only in moderation is best.
So coming back to the question we started with “is oolong tea effective against eczema?”. The answer yes, for some people. Both internal consumption and external application can bring relief for some.
We hope you have found this article useful and perhaps oolong will bring some relief to you and someone you know. You may also want to read our article covering further health benefits someone people have found from drinking oolong tea. Do bear in mind like all teas and coffees, there can be side-effects for some people. We have an article here that you might also consider having a look through too.